00:00:04    In these two years, we have accomplished
00:00:11    many things that are not popular.
00:00:17    Did we ever say in the Hungarian Democratic Forum
00:00:22    that popular tasks would follow? Why, for the sake of the country,
00:00:30    we are willing to sacrifice our own political party. I hope
00:00:38    that this will not be necessary, but when we put it this way
00:00:43    we have just said that we will not sacrifice the country for party interests,
00:00:48    if necessary, rather vice versa. Therefore,
00:00:52    we have chosen the only possible path, which means transformation.
00:01:02    We've said it many times, but it may not hurt
00:01:08    to have a difficult inheritance. We do not doubt that after
00:01:14    the retortion period in Hungary after 1963,
00:01:20    the conditions continued to improve nd that there were reform
00:01:27    experiments in 1968. Consequently, the political
00:01:32    and economic situation in Hungary has improved more significantly than in the neighbouring countries.
00:01:39    But, please, to what do we owe this? To 1956. Let's not be so grateful
00:01:49    to the past system upholders
00:01:54    so as to think
00:02:00    they figured it out on their own.
00:02:08    In 1956, when János Kádár was taken to Moscow with Ferenc Munnich,
00:02:14    Mátyás Rákosi was put there for him - who did not say a word there in Moscow
00:02:23    but when the demands were made they always showed him Rákosi.
00:02:29    Malenkov, Khrushchev and the others knew how to handle it.
00:02:34    And when that happened and when Kádár took on this role
00:02:40    it certainly wasn't an easy role but he did have a routine.
00:02:47    Then please, they've always had 1956 in mind.
00:02:56    That's what they said in Moscow. It was argued that they could not
00:03:02    carry out those claims. The Hungarian government had a separate sobbing man
00:03:10    in the person of Antal Apró who said in Moscow that we could not pay any more.
00:03:16    He claimed that otherwise it would be '56 all over again.
00:03:23    And it went on this way and we assured ourselves that military spending was smaller than elsewhere
00:03:29    because the army and the police, together with the Minister of Interior Boross,
00:03:36    had never exceeded the strength of the Soviet army present
00:03:42    and that it was the revolution and freedom struggle of 1956 that taught the Russians,
00:03:48    taught the Soviet Union, the Communists that Hungary
00:03:53    should be treated differently.